Why Not Join?

Please consider joining the club. Anyone who enjoys paddling is welcome to join. Our club consists of canoeists and kayakers of all kinds. You can come on a trip or two without being a member of the club, but you'll have alot more fun if you join.

Membership Form





Welcome to the
Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club
Organized to promote the sport of paddling.
Representing Southeast Louisiana and Southern Mississippi - New Orleans, Baton Rouge, the Northshore, Lafayette, Southern Mississippi and all points in between.
The site is organized into the following sections:
Calendar - BHPC calendar of events.
FAQs - Answers to frequently asked questions about paddling with the Bayou Haystackers.
Join - Membership form for joining the bayou Haystackers Paddling Club.
Links - Links to related sites of interest.
Local Trips - List of some of our favorite paddling areas around Southern Louisiana and Mississippi with some photos and information.
Rentals and Guided Trips/Excursions - A list of canoe & kayak rentals mostly in Southeast Louisiana and Southern Mississippi area by venue.

Old Newsletters and Info - This has links to old issues of GatorTales and some club info.
BHPC Google Groups - You do not have to be a member to join our Google Group. If you have a google account search for Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club, or email and ask to join the Google Group.


Link to Trip Info Facebook



If you have comments or questions about the club or comments or suggestions about this web site, email me at